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General Information and Registration Fees

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 Who Should Attend


Both PE and PN

Clubs that have sent both the President Elect and the President Nominee have had more successful years. This is because of the cooperation and teamwork that comes from both members attending. The PN will then get more out of PETS next year as a PE.

President Nominees - Please join your classmates for a weekend of inspired sharing. This is a fantastic tool to kick-start your year. Many sessions have been planned with you in mind.
Note: D-6400 PNs should confirm with the DGE before registering.

If both the PE and PN from your club attend, please have each person submit a separate registration form. The PE cost is covered directly by a billing to the districts, but other participants should submit payment with their online registration form .

PETS audience Partners

A special program for partners has been developed and will be presented at the same time as the PE and PN training sessions on Friday.

Partner programs are provided for that person who will be supporting the PE or PN next year. The program will be both fun and informative, with a chance to participate in a Rotary project. If the partner is already a Rotarian, they will be provided with an expanded view of Rotary and the role of the president. Partner participation can influence the success of the club president.


 Vendors and Exhibits

Vendors are a wealth of information about Rotary related products and services. What's new, what works and what doesn’t work. Whether or not you are a buyer, the information these vendors offer is a valuable resource for your club.

Vendors present during 2017 PETS:



an Official Rotary International Licensee. ClubRunner serves thousands of Rotary clubs and districts just like yours.



National Awards 4U
offers a full line of Rotary Club Supplies, Rotary Conference Supplies, Rotary Plaques and Awards, Speaker Gifts, custom trading banners and Rotary Theme Merchandise.

National Awards 4U


is Rotary's Original Licensed Vendor and the most complete source of Rotary Club Supplies and Rotary Emblem Merchandise in the world.



Exhibits will be on display representing successful, replicable club and district projects. You will have the opportunity to learn different ways to maximize the use of Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation and other external resources. Meet fellow Rotarians who have first hand experience implementing projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries.

Exhibitors present during 2017 PETS:


4-Way Test for Anti-bullying
A youth program presented by "Mr. Rudy" Lawson of the Warren, MI Rotary Club which combines the ethics of the 4-Way Test with the positive skill lessons of the "Friends Against Bullying."

4 Way Test for Anti-bullying


The Livonia AM Rotary Club will present their 4 Way Test Soccer Ball fundraiser project. Soccer balls can be purchased on eBay.

4 Way Test Soccer Ball fundraiser


Purple Pinkie Project
A chance to join Rotarians around
the world in the Polio eradication initiative .

Purple Pinkie Fundraiser


The Rotary Foundation
Learn about Polio Plus, Matching Grants, Group Study Exchange and the many other TRF programs that can help your club fullfil it's humanitarian goals.

The Rotary Foundation


Shelter Box
8374 Market St. #203
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
(941) 907-6036

Shelter Box Project


 About Registration

Both the PETS registration and hotel reservations are handled from the Register Online page.

Presidents Elect : Your club has already paid your registration fee, but you will still need to register. Go to the Register Online page and follow instructions to enter your PETS registration information. When you indicate that you are a PE, no registration charge will be made. You will need to indicate if you are bringing your partner and if you have any special meal requests or handicapped needs. The fee for your partner to attend with you is $185 and includes their meals, and materials for their sessions.

PE and PN should attend Presidents Nominee, AG's, Partners, Others : Your registration fee is $185 which includes meals and materials for all of PETS. When you register, you will need to indicate if you are bringing your partner and if you have any meal or handicapped needs. The fee for your partner to attend with you is $185 and includes their meals, and materials for their sessions. Fees must be paid with a credit card at the time of registration. You must Register Online in advance of arrival.

Be sure to read about hotel reservations before registering.

Online Registration: Dec. 1, 2016 to March 15, 2017.

The Registration Fee covers:

  • Meals .
  • President's Manual for each President Elect to take back to their club to use for the Rotary year.
  • Overhead costs of the meeting rooms and expenses for the training sessions.

The Registration Fee does not cover:

  • Hotel sleeping rooms. Reserve a room when you register onlline.
  • Meals not on the schedule.
  • Travel expenses involved with attending PETS.
  • Valet parking.

To register go to: Register Online .

Registration Deadlines

PETS Cancellation Policies : No refund is issued for a PE who cancels their PETS registration. If a PE attends a PETS conference other than Great Lakes Rotary PETS, his or her district will be eligible for reimbursement of $100.00 towards the registration fee, as long as the Great Lakes Rotary PETS registrar is notified at least 14 days prior to the start of Great Lakes Rotary PETS conference. Reimbursements will only be provided upon written request from the District Governor Elect.

If a club has surrendered its charter to Rotary International before January 1st of the upcoming PETS conference year, that club's district is entitled to a refund of registration fees, upon written request of the District Governor Elect. All requests must be submitted in writing to the registrar at least 14 days prior to the start of the Great Lakes Rotary PETS conference.

Any requested refunds, once approved, will be processed using the same mode of payment as the original transaction. If the room or registration (other than Presidents-Elect) is cancelled 15 or more days prior to the start of Great Lakes Rotary PETS, you may at the time of cancellation submit a written request for a complete refund of total fees paid.

If the room or registration (other than Presidents-Elect) is cancelled between 14 and 7 days prior to the start of the Great Lakes Rotary PETS conference, you may at the time of cancellation submit a written request for a refund of 50% of total fees paid.

If the room or registration is cancelled less than 7 days prior to the start of the Great Lakes Rotary PETS conference, there will be no refund.

In any event, all refunds requested will be returned within 30 days after the conclusion of the Great Lakes Rotary PETS conference.

Any exceptions to this cancellation policy must be approved by the chair or vice-chair of Great Lakes Rotary PETS.




Hotel registration for PETS is done when you register online .

When you register online you will be asked if you are also requesting a hotel room, what nights you will be staying and what kind of room you need. Your hotel reservation will be handled by the PETS registrar. All room assignments are made on a space available basis, so reserve your room early.

A room at the Radisson includes free self-parking (i.e.not valet parking). Parking entrance ramp located on Rose Street, immediately west of the hotel lobby entrance. A covered skyway connects the ramp's third level with the hotel.

Radisson Double is $280 for two nights.
Radisson King is $290 for two nights.
Radisson Suite is $330 for two nights.

Check-inWhen the Raddison fills up, overflow will be at the Hampton Inn near Kalamazoo Airport.

All reservations for a single night will be assigned to the Hampton Inn. The Hampton Inn price includes Michigan sales tax along with self-parking at the Radisson Hotel parking ramp or riding the shuttle bus to and from the Radisson. Reservations not made with PETS online registration do not include these features.

Hampton Inn near Kalamazoo Airport is $140/night.

The Hampton Inn is located at 2610 Airview Boulevard, Kalamazoo, MI, 49001; take Kilgore Rd. Exit 78 off I-94. See map .

Discount: All room rates listed above include a $20 discount per night which is in effect until March 1st.

Your credit card will be charged when you make your reservation.

Your hotel room is not covered by the registration fee.

For room refund information see PETS Cancellation Policies .

All questions about PETS and Hotel registration should be directed to the PETS Registrar Marc Cooper via email or call Marc at 248-310-9874. Leave a detailed message. The hotels will NOT be able to help with registration questions.



You will be asked to select your meals when you register for PETS online.

All meals will require a "meal ticket" which are included in the registration packet. Be sure to pick up your registration packet prior to attending any meals.

Vegetarian meals will be available and must be indicated on the Registration Form. Those avoiding meat for religious reasons should sign up for vegetarian meals.


 Maps & Places

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All PETS events are located at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Kalamazoo, MI.

Go to Google Map, then click on "Directions" and enter your address to get route from your location to Radisson Plaza, 100 W. Michigan Ave., Kalamazoo, MI 49007.

Note: Online maps created using the hotel address (100 W Michigan Ave) direct you to the SE corner of the hotel (green arrow). However, the Radisson drive-up lobby entrance is located at the SW corner of the building, at the intersection of N. Rose Street and W. Michigan Ave (shaded red). The hotel parking ramp is located along N Rose St. directly west of the lobby entrance. A covered over-street walking ramp connects the parking ramp to the hotel.

Map details


Route between Hampton Inn and Radisson.

Click on map to the right to see route between Hampton Inn near Kalamazoo Airport and the Radisson. A new browser window will open with a Google Map and written driving instructions.

Go to the Maps page for access to additional maps.

Map to Hampton Inn near Kalamazoo Airport


Discover Downtown Kalamazoo!

Check the March, 2017 events calendar
to see what is happening.

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Email registrar: Marc Cooper
Email webmaster: Wes Knollenberg