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 Speaker Notes




PDG Chris Etienne's 2017 "Rotary 101" presentation. (PowerPoint, 5.5 MB).

Rotary 101 2017 presentation

Rotary 101...

Download Instructions for installing the PETS event mobile app. This iPhone/Android mobile app contains schedules, speaker profiles, key contacts, maps, and the ability to organize your own agenda. Read more on the PETS Mobile App web page.

PETS app


"PETS Bylaws" (PDF, 88 KB).

PES Bylaws

PETS Bylaws

VIDEOS from 2015 PETS


Keynote addresses are available for viewing on Vimeo for Michael Angelo Caruso, Carl Chinnery, Rick King, Stephanie Urchik and Doug Vincent.





"100_Hints_by_Tanaka" - 100 Hints on How to Strengthen Rotary Clubs by RIPE Sakuji Tanaka. (PDF, 65 KB).

100 Hints on How to Strengthen Rotary Clubs

100 Hints...

"Elements of a Successful Club" - session cofacilitated by Brenda Ochodnicky, AG 6380 and David Hood, AG 6310 (PDF, 77 KB).



"Leading a club in a changing environment" - by Penny St. Cyr and Violet Rohrer (DOCX, 18 KB).

Leading a club in a changing environment


"Great Lakes PETS Breakout 2012 Memo" - what makes a healthy and vibrant club, John Gronberg and Karen Crouse. (PDF, 30 KB).

Great Lakes PETS Breakout 2012 Memo - Healthy Clubs

Breakout Memo...

"Great Lakes PETS Breakout 2012" - outline used at the club sized breakout sessions, James White. (Microsoft DOCX, 16 KB).

Great Lakes PETS Breakout 2012

Breakout Sessions...

"Great Lakes PETS Breakout Notes 2012" - Notes from PE breakout session, Teresa Fitzwater and Rich Fleming. (Microsoft DOCX, 75 KB).

Great Lakes PETS Breakout 2012

Breakout Notes...

"Recommendations for Repeat PEs Session" - summary of topics and recommendations, Jane Millar and Janet McPeek. (Microsoft Word, 28 KB).

Recommendations for Repeat PEs Session

Repeat PEs Session



PDG Betsy Demaray's updated "Rotary 101" - Rotary Bowl Game (PowerPoint, 276 KB).

Rotary 101 2011 PETS

Rotary 101...

"PETS Club Size Breakout Sessions 2011" (PDF, 84 KB).

PETS Club Size Breakout Sessions 2011

PETS Breakout Sessions

"PETS Newsletter for 2011" (PDF, 277 KB).

PETS Bylaws

PETS Newletter



"100 Ways To Recruit Members" by Karen Teichman - how to bring new members into your Rotary Club (Microsoft Word, 52 KB).

100 Ways To Recruit Members

100 Ways...

"Fireside Chat" - an introduction to Rotary for perspective new members. Outline of presentation given by Karen Teichman (Microsoft Word, 36 KB).

Fireside Chat

Fireside Chat

"Membership Induction Ceremonies" by Karen Teichman - examples of different ceremonies for new members (PDF, 72 KB).

Membership Induction Ceremonies

Membership Induction...

"Membership Retention Questionnaire" by Karen Teichman - how to learn what the Rotarians in your club are thinking (Microsoft Word, 40 KB).

Membership Retention Questionnaire

Membership Retention...

"How To Prepare A Classification Talk" by Karen Teichman - a way to share information about your vocation at a club meeting (Microsoft Word, 32 KB).

How To Prepare A Classification Talk

...Classification Talk



"Induction ceremony" for new members that was presented by the DGEs as a demonstration at PETS (PDF, 40 KB).

New Member Induction

Induction ceremony...



Dick Sammis, DG 6360, has made his handout "Successful Presidency: Nuts and Bolts 2008-09" (PDF, 52 KB).

Successful_Presidency handout

Successful Presidency...

Bob Scott's "PolioPlus" presentation (PowerPoint, 7.5 MB).

Rotary 101 2008 PETS

Polio Plus...

Bob Scott's "PolioPlus" talking points for the above PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft Word, 40 KB).

PolioPlus talking points

Polio Plus...

NOTE: Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF files. This is a free program available from the Adobe web site.





Rotary International

The following paragraphs are excerpts from various RI publications, including the RI "Manual of Procedure" which can be downloaded (1.8 MB) from the RI Learning and Referene page.


Presidents-elect Training Seminar (PETS) –

A PETS, which may be a multidistrict PETS, shall take place for the purpose of orientation and training of club presidents-elect in the district as determined by the board. The PETS shall be held annually, preferably in February or March. The governor-elect shall be responsible for the PETS. The PETS shall be planned and conducted under the direction and supervision of the governors-elect.

      - Manual of Procedure 2013, Bylaws of RI, Article 15.030


PETS attendance –

Section 5 - Election of Officers, (c) Qualifications. Each officer and director shall be a member in good standing of this club. A candidate for the office of president shall have served as a member of this club for at least one year prior to being nominated for such office, except where service for less than a full year may be determined by the district governor to satisfy the intent of this requirement. The president- elect shall attend the district presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly unless excused by the governor-elect. If so excused, the president-elect shall send a designated club representative who shall report back to the president-elect. If the president-elect does not attend the presidents-elect training seminar and the district training assembly and has not been excused by the governor-elect or, if so excused, does not send a designated club representative to such meetings, the president-elect shall not be able to serve as club president. In such event, the current president shall continue to serve until a successor who has attended a presidents- elect training seminar and district training assembly or training deemed sufficient by the governor-elect has been duly elected.

      - Manual of Procedure 2013, Club Constitution Article 10 Section 5(c)

NOTE: If a PE can not attend Great Lakes Rotary PETS, then he/she can attend a PETS in another region with their district governor-elect's permission.



Great Lakes Rotary PETS Bylaws (PDF; 88KB)




Presidents-elect's are encouraged to read the Rotary International (RI) "Club President's Manual" before training. The Manual and other valuable materials are available from the RI My Rotary President's page. It is highly recommended that club presidents-elect review these documents prior to PETS.  

The following is the "Club Officer's Kit," a collection of select important reads:

Another great RI resource is the Learning and Reference page where you can obtain additional training materials.

Service Above Self

Rotary International's policies and procedures can be found on the Goverance Documents page.

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Email webmaster: Wes Knollenberg